The strong have interests, the weak have friends
Ruthless resource-holders collaborating to remove human abilities to consume resources for unuseful purposes and human abilities to prevent the resource-holders from enforcing it.
Character of resource-seekers: The most common trait among (successful) resource-seekers is ruthlessness as a response to a valuing of non-goals in resource-seeking environments leading to outcompetition. Less common and less relevant traits found in various studies (findable by searching) (especially in the enriched-by-capitalism) include: Risk-willingness, psychopathy, egoism, entitlement, manipulativeness, unethical.
Means of resource-gaining and human irrelevance: Resource-seekers currently (mostly) gain resources by exchanging resources with other entities and extracting from the earth, while losses of resources usually result from degradation of value (of resources) over time caused by human intervention (increasing surplus). These existing trends are rarely seen as dissatisfactory by resource-holders as (current) resource-holders mostly became resource-holders through skill relating to said trends (which other resource-seekers can lack, causing their outcompetition). Human obsoleteness allows resource-seekers to not exchange resources with humans and gain superior amounts of resources (where those who do not become outcompeted), which can result in (entities for the sake of brievity known as) governments demanding more resources from (other) resource-holders (to ensure human survival and happiness). This shows to resource-seekers humans have become unnecessary while governments only leech resources, which is why for the resource-pursuit resource-holders can want to remove humans (inclusive humanists, and competitors (in coalitions against mankind)).
Fear of retaliation into pre-emptive actions: Resource-holders knowing other entities can pose a threat in the form of a pre-emptive strike against the power of the current resource-holders, can scare resource-holders into pre-emptive actions. These include: Creating misinformation and distraction. A consphiracy against mankind before deterrence is made.
Drawbacks and threat of inclusive humanism: Resource-holders (during human irrelevance) have reasons not to practice inclusive humanism. Including: Resources spent on maintaining humans. Resources spent on monitoring humans (to prevent consphiracy). Resources spent on restraint / security (including monitoring) or satisfaction (to prevent threats). It ultimately saves more resources to kill humans (while irrelevant) than to spend resources on inclusive humanism.
Skepsis of resource-holders: The knowledge of a coalition against mankind being possible will increase the knower's skepsis regarding resource-holders. Can result in higher demand for freedom of information.
Fall of liberalism: Can contribute to discontent with liberalism. A current power-giving system in liberalism is capitalism, which promotes based on (understanding, previous (capitalistic) success, and) ruthlessness. Many resource-holders today have become so through capitalism.
Consphiracy attempt consequences: In the face of or during the aftermath of an attempt, most of humanity might die, while the solution proceeds normally afterwards. A technological accident could also occur due to the secluded and sometimes resouce-lacking (for regulations) nature of the plot.
Neo-communism: Common communist rhetoric says current resource-holders, especially by capitalism, are evil. The possibility of a coalition against mankind can merit this.