Dictionary page 1

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Human want: In a universe where there is no law for good or bad, only possible and impossible, humans made up their own laws for good and badNot necessarily those used in court trials. The most widespread one is humanism.

Humanism: A belief in human value. Is a method of distinguishing good versus badIn humanism, all which helps humans is good, all which does not is bad. Widespread belief. Accomplished in varieties of different ways. A common method is increasing human happinessA measure of wellbeing. Most moral goodsWhat is right and wrong have a form of humanismExamples include: Nationalism prioritizing humans over animals. Humans eating animals but not humans. Humans helping other humans.

Happiness: A measure of wellbeing. Commonly pursued goal. Commonly quantified as lasting pleasure Desirable sensations or the absence of suffering Undesirable sensations. Reality-changing Changing the objective reality (moving an object) and belief-changing Changing one's subjective (perception of) reality are methods of happiness-pursuit. Longer durations of happiness Not necessarily pleasure is commonly considered good, and can be achieved through extended consciousness Ability to experience (being alive) and extended happy experienceHappiness-inducing experience. Commonly pursued by humanists. Solving the problems is important when doing happiness-pursuit due to possibility of reduced consciousness through death, and reduced happiness through suffering-inducing environments, which could come from the problems.

Reality-changing: Changing the objective reality Status of any point/situation in the universe. Usually to achieve a goal. Reality-changing is usually pursued by humans when feeling dissatisfaction. The extent of reality-changing is reflected by the interestsOpinions, goals, values of those pursuing it.

Belief-changing: Changing one's subjective reality Reality as experienced. Usually to achieve a goal. Is a sort of reality-changing.

Survival: Act of staying alive. Used to be dependent on good adaption. Is today dependent on ensuring needs-distributions. Semi-naturally pursued due to genetic coding. Commonly pursued by humanists. Important to many happiness-pursuers due to consciousness being valued.

Needs: Human requirements for survival. Includes: food, water, shelter, air, sleep. Survival is currently ensured by capitalismRelies on the interest of the resource-holders, and is likely to being ensured once the resource-holders no longer have interest in general human survivalMost humans being alive. Loss of interest in human survival is a likely situation to arise from / is a part of the problems.

Entity: Refers to a set of conditions/situationsMatter being at a certain location in reality for a duration of time. For example an arrangement of atoms in the form of a human on the earth for 80 years, not necessarily in existence. Also known as party, group. Humans are entities with the conditions of for example skin, humanoid shape, eyes, mouth, and ears.


The problems: Greatest threats to general human survival and happiness. Solving these are the main focus of this website. Extreme danger: Human obsoletenessSocieties no longer requiring humans to function. Major danger: Rise of centralizationCentralized systems becoming more effective than decentralized systems. Major danger: Return of conflictConflict becoming more effective than peace. Major danger: Ecological crisisThe global ecosystem collapsing without an apprioriate response. Major danger: Technological accidentsAccidents with technology capable of for example severly reducing the human population. Minor danger: Natural threatsAsteroids and such can still strike the earth. Minor danger: Anatomical superiorityPeople being able to "upgrade" themselves to outcompete the "unupgraded".

Human obsoleteness: Societies no longer requiring humans to function. Workplace and Decision-making obsoleteness are the highest concerns.

Rise of centralization: Centralized dataflowConcentration of information (and processing power) and centralized powerConcentration of authority/decision-making in systems becoming more effective than decentralized ones. Centralization becoming more effective is due to the rise of information-technologyIncludes: computers for information-processing, information-gathering via cameras, allowing many previous flaws of centralization to be solved. Includes: limited processing power in individual humansThis encouraged dispersing the task of information-processing, bad communicationLong distances, language barriers, and lack of communication mediums, hindered communication. This made decision-making from far away ineffective, due to the information becoming outdated and was slow, corruptability of centralized systems(systemic/imaginary) Invulnerability (in humans) encourages reckless and wasteful behavior. Dispersion of power decreases variation of power, thereby the feeling of invulnerability. Advantages of dataflow makes neo-centralizationCentralization with information technology better at goal-achieving than decentralization. Centralization becomes more effective due to computers having better 'processing-power'-potentialYou can have a billion chips cooperate without problem, but not a billion humans, as they are not made in the same factory. Chips also are a lot cheaper and lower corruptability than humans. Obsoleteness of decentralization, contributes to fall of liberalism. Centralization is commonly found in authoritarian societies, which are commonly unwanted.

Return of conflict: Conflict, notably war becoming viable again. Innovation of counter-weaponsReducing effectiveness of massdestruction weaposn, new massdestruction-weaponsFor example nuclear weapons, and dataism cause this. Counter-weapons make previously assured mutually-destructive scenariosScenarios where both parties are extremely likely to be at a loss less assured. New massdestruction-weapons create new methods of extinction and war. An arms-race is encouraged by possibility of meaningful destructionDestruction helpful for goal-achieving, and the possibility of enemies rendering weapons of the self obsolete, and effective elimination-tools. Arms-race creates weapons for 'world of conflict'-scenario. Dataism is likely to cause a collapse of cooperation where information to be accessed, due to fear of human hacking. This results in a dangerous, isolationist, brink-of-destruction, and desperate scenario. Return of conflict can also cause increased cooperation as a method of survival. Cooperation would require high monitoring of both parties' actions, thereby integration, due to new-age arsenal's methods of quick and hidden elimination.

Ecological crisis: Human neglect of ecological collapse.

Technological accidents: Improper handling of dangerous technologies. Most concerning possibilities are: Hostile AI superintelligence, Hostile nanitesShort for nanoscopic-entities, and Nuclear accidents. Preventable with thorough examination. Thorough examinations are difficult in realities with pressure; notably competitive society and world of conflictMany 'real-power'-holding entities becoming isolationist, brinkman-like and survialist. Difficult to solve while competitiveness is rampant.

Workplace obsoleteness: The process of human obsoleteness in the workplace. Is happening due to humanityAct of being human-like. Includes having arms, brain, heart not being employableWanted by resource-holders, humans not having (employable) properties unreplicable by other entities, anatomical superiority (and biological engineering)Act of changing carbon-based things. For example creating a dog with extra hair, and development of correct technologies. Increases the growing inequality and allows for a plutocratic coalition. Obsolete individuals must rely on humanistic needs-distribution, due to the lack of unprotected resourcesResources not claimed by a real-powerful entity.

Decision-making obsoleteness: The process of human obsoleteness with their decision-making. Is happening due to possibility of Human hackingAct of finding enough patterns in a human to predict, and thereby manipulate them, and availability of info-technologyComputers, cameras, processors. Info-technology is the tool for human-hacking.

Dataism: A valuing of 'information and processing power', which is dataflow. Is practiced through information-gatheringSurveillance, touching, seeing, feeling, and information-processingComparing, experimenting to increase dataflow. Commonly adopted due to assistance in goal-achievingBy processing more information regarding a situation, better understanding of it is developed, allowing better solutions. Ruthless efficiency, thereby dataism, as a higher priority than trust of other entities can contribute to return of conflict. Is pursued during attempts at human hacking.

Hacking of humans: Act of finding and exploiting patterns in a human, thereby controlling them. Can happen due to suffienct pattern-finding ability of info-techEnough useful patterns being found by dataflow units creatable with current resources, and human decision-making being based on an understandable and interferable systemDecision-making is based on emotions, which is predictable and easily manipulateable. Allows data-warfare: dataism regarding individuals to control them. Contributes to return of conflict. Those who know you can predict you. Those who can predict you can simulate you. Those who can simulate you can control youKnowing what situation to create in order to get a desired response.

Fall of liberalism: The process of liberalism's growing inferiorityInferiority to centralized systems and its replacement. Core ideas of liberalism no longer are viable: Liberal reliance on human political and economical value makes the system ineffective when compared to some alternatives, most notably technological dictatorships, greatly contributing to the dissatisfaction with liberalism. Capitalism cannot benefit humans when humans cannot benefit capitalism, which can result in a plutocratic coalition, is solvable due to capitalism mostly influencing values being used in the system. Human hacking can discredit democratic societies, potentially causing disuse of the technology, creating a disadvantage. Liberal collapse: Not abandoning liberalism leads to outcompetitionBeing outcompeted due to being disadvantaged. People with emphasis for survival and happiness over liberal loyalty (inflexibility)Heeding to unbreakable fictional rules will (gradually) abandon liberalism.

Growing inequality: Distribution of reality-changing abilities and luxuriesThings believed to increase happiness becoming more concentrated. Is expected to increase due to reality-changing centralization becoming more effective and workplace obsoleteness decreasing resource-holders' dependence on humans, causing resource-holders to distribute less resources to humans. Anatomical superiority can further increase inequality, due to being regarded as a luxury and capable of increasing labor power, thereby outcompeting the less powerful.

Plutocratic coalition: Resource-holders seeking to create a very exclusive global government. Distinct from resource-holders seeking to create a very inclusive global government. Capitalist resource-holdersRich people are commonly observed as ruthless, selfish, risk-takers, flexible, and efficient. There is no reason for this to change. Continuation of past behavior can be a neglect or removal of useless entities like humans or unaligned entites like governments. Accomplished through strike-method. This can cause extreme reduction in human population and higher inequality before the reduction. Motivated by a promise of paradise and the problems being a threat while government are not working to solve them. Escaping to Mars would not be optimal, since the problems would still have to be solved. Potential members of a plutocratic coalition could be stopped and absorbed if given a legitimateConvincing promise of the same.

Statist attempt: A state attempting to create an exclusive global government. Unlikely to be done before return of conflict, due to states not being known for technological pursuit. Exception is ChinaPowerful entity, which has an interest in dataism. A statist attempt will likely keep more humans than a plutocratic coalition, due to vigilants having a higher chance to be part of a state.

Disunity: Global cooperation being needed to solve the problems when cooperation is not enough and expected to decline. The rise of nationalism has been contributing to disunity. Is needed due to: Futility of local technological regulation.

Technology-regulating: Discussion regarding the consequences of regulating technology to some extent. Local regulations have possibilities of: Example-settingCan rouse dissent in others from moral supremacy and/or reminding or show willingness to cooperate, which could result cooperation, Competition-losingDisusing technology which could increase dataflow/productivity while an enemy uses it, Ineffectivness from too small shareNot having means to achieve a goal means the goal cannot be achieved. This includes example-setting and ecological mending.

World of conflict: Many real-powerful entities becoming isolationist and desperate. All powerful entities are possible contenders. Is caused by return of conflict. Evolves exponentially with time passing. Isolationism is due to breakdown of cooperation due to fear of human hacking. Higher production results in more dataflow potential and superior weapon-creation of usable weapons. Entities with low production must use extreme strategiesPreemptive strikes, reckless technological development to survive. Mutual destruction might be prefered over loss. Loss and surrender is also a subverting of will, due to human hacking. This scenario can only end when only one agenda is remaining, or a purge of technology is agreed upon.


How situations are responded to by things in the universe, especially in manmade societies.

Goal: What to achieve


A planned future status created by reality-changing. In a political/activist context, this usually is reality-changing to increase human wellbeing/happiness. All goals are either involuntary (laws of the universe), or irrational (not morally supported by the universe).

Ultimate goals

Good status-quo

A "good"Examples of good vary, but the concept of good does not state of being for humans. Most attempts at achievement seek to create this.


Whether the status-quo should change. Refers to reality-changing and belief-changing.

Pro-change: Want to change / dissatisfaction.

Anti-change: Satisfaction with the status-quo, and the status-quo over potential futures.

Defeatism: Belief in inability to change.


The suggested duration for the goal's results. How quickly the goal should be achieved is pace.


Where the goal should be achieved. Includes how much the goal should affect. Larger scales often increase resource-cost linearly. Humanistic goal-achieving including extensive human usage often have cost increase slowly compared to gain with increased more human usage.

Return versus progress

Refers to the common mindset of returnism and progressivism being two distinct categories. They often do not categorize helpfully, with inflexible ideas being better for this. They usually refer to different ideas of what a good status-quo looks like and methodological disagreements in creating a good staus-quo.

Inflexible ideas

Irrational valueing/belief of a thing. The irrationality makes the believers unable to change opinion about the thing. Ultimate goals are inflexible ideas. Inflexible ideas restrict options, which usually results in less effective goal-achieving. Distinct from rational belief/valueing of things, which can be applied to the list. List of common inflexible ideas: anti-technologyRejection of technology to some or full extent, naturalismOnly doing what is "natural". "Naturalness" is difficult to define, freedomRequiring the ability to act independently to live meaningfully, usefulnessHaving to be "useful" in order to live meaningfully. Usefulness is difficult to define, action-doingHaving to do actions in order to live meaningfully., duty-moralityActions based on duty, not situation.


Interest: Why do something


A measure of dedication. Refers to subjective interests of the conscious mind, unless specified. High interest results in lowered interest of unrelated or contradictory goals, also known as reduced corruptionLaziness, disloyalty, embezzlement. Emotionalism is always the highest interest. Another word for interest is value, how valuable something is to you.

General human interest: Derived from emotions, which is derived from feelings, which can be derived from sensory input like pain and word-hearing.


Belief in value of the self and rewarding the self for being valueable. Most commonly followed ultimate goal. Tends to have another ultimate goal along with it, most commonly humanism.


Refers to ultimate goals in general. Humanism, egoism, god-worshipping, and ascension-pursuit are examples of common ultimate goals. Due to no meaning existing, no goal is innatelyRefers to the meaninglessness of the universe rational.

Emotional reign

A system where the interests of the entity is secured through emotional exploitation. All manmade systems for humans include this. Methods for emotional reign vary in effectiveness. Examples of some emotions are: Anxiety/responsibility, an anticipation of bad. Experienced when interests like survival, fun, or social acceptance are endangered. Temptation or want, an anticipation of pleasure. Experienced when anticipating certain usually naturally emotional interests like food, relief, and fun activities. Exploited for example by indoctrinating people into believing productivity is important, and by making useful activities fun.


Act of using 'general interest'-lacking entities to create interest in the entities. Childhood indoctrination is most common, using lack of values regarding good and bad, aside from natural value of emotionalism to create values/interests. Interest-changing of more 'general interest'-having entities is refered to as convincing.


Causing an entity to interest-change. Requires dataflow to function, due to input of the reason being necessary, and processing of the informationn. Factors for success when convincing include: Customs/conventions/culture, due to interpretations possibly causing unintentional communicationCommunication not meant to happen. Like interpretations of a personally neutral outfit to be a sign of danger. Interests, due to much decision-making like interest-changing being decided by interests. Common strategies include reality-changing to make the interest-changing more interesting/valuableRefers to adoption of secondary interests based on reality to serve the ultimate goal. Includes practices to avoid death if survival is an interest. The process of convincing is:


Act of finding people aligned in interest. Not exclusive with convincing. Commonly practiced over convincing when communications are ineffective and culture/customs/conventions create high difficulty convincingResulting in the inability to have an extensive discussion. Info-technology could increase communication, while globalization could reduce cultural differences, resulting in increased practice of convincing.

Indirect practice

Attempt at achieving a goal while also helping achieve other goals. For example workers in capitalism working to survive while also ensuring the survival of the employing entity.



Dataflow: Utilization of information


InformationThings. If there is nothing to process, the procedure fails processed by processing-powerAbility to process. Information remaining unchanged means nothing is happening. More information than what can be processed does not increase dataflow transported by communicationInformation-transmission. Not communicating information to the processors causes no processing results in dataflow. All systems use dataflow to some extent. Dataflow is important for goal-achieving, due to being the methodThe only method for utilizing informationInformation like qualifications. Information in dataflow has three stages: 1. Raw sensory input of information. 2. Sensing (patterns)/processing of information. 3. Storage of information.


Actions meant to achieve a goal. In the context of information-processing, it usually refers to difference-finding/pattern-finding.

Dataflow optimization

How dataflow ability is optimized. Optimizing dataflow includes: Qualified inputers, processors, and communicators. And prioritizing low contrasts of the three components rather than high contrasts.


word of mouth, signs, digital

Humans and dataflow

How humans interact with dataflow. Humans have relativelyCompared to the other options in the lesser section bad processing-power, storage ability, and communication ability. Sensory input is relatively decent, but due to the lack of other dataflow ability, ends up utilized to non-optimal effectFor example not communicated to a computer for storage and processing.

Robots and dataflow

How robots interact with dataflow. Due to reality-changing of robots creating relatively little compromise, dataflow abilities become relatively superior.

Sensory technology

Technology for information-gathering. Includes: Photon-sensors, resistance-sensors, time-sensors, pattern-sensors, velocity sensors, location sensors, existence sensors, heat sensors.


The end of an exponential development process. Can end due to the finiteness of the universe. Technological singularity is usually referred to. Is achieved through high dataflow creating more dataflow (for example through technology).


Stored information. Also known as database. Databases can be searched for information done quickly with a language in working memory. Working memory is information being utilized.



Systems: Cooperation organization


NetworkRefers to back-and-forth interaction of cooperation. Consists of different entities having doctrines capable of causing interaction.


Ability to influence. Imaginary and real power are actually the same, but are referred to distinctly for convenience.

Imaginary power: Influence on certain systems, usually in specific areas, excluding real systems. Also known as decision-making power. Economics (resource-controlling) is an example.

Real power: Ability to reality-change in non-fictional ways. Physical power is ability to manipulate objects in space-time.


Standardized response to situation. Multiple doctrines in different entities causing interaction with each other creates a system. All policies are useful at goal-achieving in the correct situation, but due to finite space-time and the relatively stable location of humansRefers to many trends, for example human existence, not stopping the next second., most doctrines will ultimately be irrelevant for humans (most of them never having been thought or written about). Policies written here are not exclusive to large-scale application.


Power-distribution: Whether imaginary power is dispersed or concentrated.

Power gaining: Act of gaining imaginary power in a system. Usually done through qualifying in the qualifications systems.


How two entities believe they will affect each others' interests. Also known as trust. Can have other definitions, but those are not used here. Particular thingsNon-conscious and non-imaginary do not have relations. Determining relations is done through communication, and is thereby prone to communication errors. Changing relations can be done through changing interests, which is achieved by a new situation or convincing.


When the interests of two entities align. Two entities with aligned interests can sometimes be called "friends" or "allies". Not necessarily done honestlyAn "immoral" situation might be manufactured by one of the parties to encourage friendliness

Cooperation: Act of combining resources to increase efficiency.

Dependence: Cooperation where abandonment is harmful (to the interests of the abandoner). Human survival is for example dependent on the global ecosystem.


When the interests of two entities do not affect each other.

Isolation: Act of making internal events independent of outside forces. Difficult in a world with rampant interventionism, global ecological collapse, and return of conflict. Many attempts at neutrality/isolation fail due to indirect practice, resulting in de facto cooperation. There can be no neutrality if there is dependency. Since neutrality is difficult, activity is important if believing human good is a responsibility.


When the interests of two entities require harming the other.


Power-gaining to become stronger than other entities. The ultimate goal of competitiveness is to have enough advantage in order to commit elimination/eclipsingHaving the difference in power make the other party irrelevant. Injury is harming an entity.


Ending the threat posed by other entities.


Practice of culture/customs/conventions to communicate a messageNot necessarily a true message better.

Respectful: Act of partaking in culture/conventions to send a message better. Commonly practiced to power-holders to be delegated power from them. For example not culling the handicappedMany ideologies/doctrine-collections claim directly or indirectly they have no place in society in fear of appearing evil.

Non-respecting: Not partaking in culture/conventions. Commonly interpreted as evil. Distinct from intentional attempts to appear evil.

Humans and systems

How humans interact with systems. Capable of understanding and partaking in systems. Tendency to be corrupt due to multiple goals: Having other goals be of higher interest/priority than any (secondary or primary) goal intended by the power-delegators. Notable examples include emotionalismThe only true interest of humans (to be interpreted literally), and contrast between goalsMake other goals less or more appealing.

Robots and systems

How robots interact with systems. Capable of undersanding and partaking in systems. Do not become corrupt unless programmed to (can be programmed by themselves).


Using power in ways the power-delegators did not intend. For example laziness as a worker, or luxury-consumption as a donation-requiring charity.



Qualifying: How things are distinguished


Being distinguished from other thingsWhether existing or not. Not exclusive to nouns. Being able to qualify something is being able to distinguish usefulness from uselessness, distinguishing good and bad, bringing order and meaning to a meaningless and void universe. Distinguishment becomes difficult when information is lacking, making the most dependent distinguishment system less effective. Distinguishment in any form is not possible without qualifying (good and bad included). These are examples of qualifying methods.

Arbitrary choice

Distinguishment based on dogmatic expectationsUnrealistic expectation due to false idea. Distinct from valid discriminations. Difficult to apply certainly or fictious obligationsFor example morality. Commonly accepted examples include: nepotism, white-supremacism, Hindu caste-system. Whether something is arbitrary choice can depend on situation: Black or white-only qualification is not arbitrary choice if the other population is compromisedSay, a black supremacist amputated all whites. Can cause self-fulfilling propheciesExpectations altering the outcome to fulfill the expectation. Human employment becomes an arbitrary system after human obsoleteness.


Distinguishment based on record. Records are usually created through equal opporunities. Ineffective application of meritocracy is sometimes called prejucide, act of distinguishment based on information not gained from (the) entity (in question).


Distinguishment based on expertiseVague word for qualifications like "knowledge". Information is usually aquired through examinations. Notably, "expertise" does not always include processing-power.


Devoid of imaginary power (no hierarchy). In human groups, anarchy usually results in competitiveness, then a kratocracy, thereby an end to anarchy, due to difficulties with removing non-fictional power, power-gaining mentalities, and interests which are not maintaing anarchy.


Distinguishment based on location in space-time. You cannot be an engineer working for Volvo if you are 5 million years back in time and in a black hole.


Power-source based on percieved reality-changing abilities. Might makes right.


Distinguishment based on (value of) resources.


Distinguishment based on interests of the self. Also known as favoritist. Is inactive if practiced without other qualifying methods. Creates a free market if combined with materialism.


Distinguishment based on doctrine/policy/law. Can be in the form of legal law and cultural law. Is inactive if practiced without other qualifying methods. Distinct from free, due to the distinguishment methods being a reflection of another (free) entity, rather than the self.


Distinguishment based on popular opinionUsually a the majority in a group. Usually comes with a method for qualifying whether an opinion can count, the most common being distinguishment based on age.


Distinguishment based on alignment. Loyalism can be separated into two categories: Direct loyalism: Alignment due to being the ultimate goal. Indirect loyalism: Alignment due to cooperation in helping achieve the ultimate goal. Indirect loyalism requires 'method of trusting the cooperation will be successful', called legitimacy.

Example: A citizen achieving greater human good through helping the state is to the state an indirect loyalist. An atom which interacts based on the laws of the universe is directly loyal to the laws of the universe.


Distinguishment based on (highest) dataflow opinionResult of information-processing.


Law of the universe. Religions commonly claim their omnipotent divine forces are laws of the universe which have qualified/legitimized a specific lifestyle. An example is humanism which bestows humans the ability to qualify anything they want in any (imaginary) way, due to them being divine forces from a believed law in the universe.


Distinguishment based on dataflow-ability. "Intelligence"Vague word usually referring to creatures with higher mental functioning is sometimes measured with dataflow-ability. Distinct from intelligent qualifying, due dataistic distinguishment looking for ability, while intelligent distinguishment looks for result. Sometimes called cyberocracy.


Distinguishment based on sensory input.


Distinguishment based on logic.


Distingusihment based on relation to something else. Humans commonly are interested in each other due to relation to things used for goal-achieving, notably currency.


Distinguishment based on present practice. Can also be referred to as traditional. Is a sort of convenient qualifying.


Distinguishment based on ease of accessCosts little (valuable) resources to access. For example time, emotional pain, money. Is inactive without values/interests.


Distinguishment based on ability to influenceNot actually influencing emotions (and feelings). Combined with addictionUnceasing and important want of something, is called pleasure-slavery.


Act of subjecting something to somethingNot necessarily the same thing. Usually done to gather information for examination and evaluation.

Examination and evaluation

Examination: Information-gathering. Evaluation: Information-processing. Commonly used to describe the qualifying process.



Qualifications and rights: Ways of being distinguished and its effects


Ways of being qualified. Being qualified has no results without rights to describe features/priviliges earned from qualifications.


Properties/priviliges/treatments/rights granted by specific qualifications. Since all qualifications (aside from those not manmade) are imaginary; they only grant imaginary power. A common right ascribed to hated things is non-existence.


Act of ambition-inhibition. Commonly practiced by humans to discourage bad behavior, due to violability of imaginary laws. Distinct from general suffering-inducement.


Act of ambition-helping. Commonly practiced by humans to encourage good behavior.


Proof of ability to uphold a claim. Logic, tradition, and kratocracy are common legitimacy-qualifying (gaining) methods.


Whether something can discover. Sometimes called "science" and "documentation".


Whether something can implement.


Whether something has the ability to experience.


Whether something can communicate.

Aligned communication: (state owned media)

Free communication


Alive creature. Humans usually ascribe betterIn this case referring to happiness and survival rights to humans than animals. Humans usually grant rights against suffering to animals due to resemblance, thereby human ability to feel empathy regarding them.


Whether something is a part of something else. Commonly qualified capitalistically, the practice of which is called "private proprieting". Rights in society usually include the separation of resulting in punishment.



Whether something exists in the universe. Includes universe-laws and beliefs.

Science: This is a common method.


Whether something can be broken apart for valueable materials and put into the area responsible for it. Non-food qualifying itself as food is a common practice among viruses. Viruses are a good example of how good methods of qualifying is important.



More detail

More detail

Not all details of a plan are specifiable in other categories.


How quickly the goal will be achieved compared to dataflow ability.


Ability to change. Often refers to the changability of secondary values to be more effective in reaching the ultimate goal. Inflexible ideas are common examples of unchangable secondary values. Distinct from indecisiveness, which is can be a result of preference against commitment. Inflexibility is the inability to change, often caused by low interest in truth / reality-finding.


How things (are supposed to) respond to certain interactions/events/situations. Same meaning as policy/doctrine.

Written laws: Specifically written how situations are responded to.

Free: The entity determines response based on opinions from the self. Is usually combined with a culture to encourage specific responses.


Extent the reciever of information shall interpret it. Usually practiced alongside suggestion to cause influenced interpretations.




Transition: Policy of temporary policies to create a different situation. Usually a good status-quo.

Control of the local group: Control of the cosmic clusters not moving away from the earth at speeds faster than light. All possible situations with humans can only happen in the local group due to the limited speed of light, gravity, and universe-expansion. Due to this, all threats to humanity can only arise from the local group (aside from universe-scale threats like heat-death). Controlling the group allows for neutralization of potential threats.

Arms-race: Act of rapid weaponSomething useable for elimination and injury-creation to create more than an opponent. An act of competitiveness.

Strike-method: Rapid creation of information-age arsenalBombs, nanites, dataism and using them to eliminate opposition. A nanite-strike is very appealing, due to ability to reshape.

Nanite-strike: A scenario where nanites are used for reality-changing on an extreme scale. A well-coordinatedCoordinated by a superintelligence nanite-strike could reshape the earth into a technological utopia. A nanite-strike could disrupt the global ecosystem beyond natural regeneration by consuming material to replicate with, exponentially reducing the function of the global ecosystem. This can easily kill humans in the process.

Technological paradise: A happiness-inducing area created with technology. Many options exist: Returnist fantasy is natural humans living in a specific scenario. Trance-paradise is immortal humans engineered to be forever happy and satisfied. VR-paradise is immortal humans experiencing a virtual reality instead of actual reality. Limited techno-anarcho paradise is humans having certain technology distributed, specifically more than VR-paradise. Techno-anarcho paradise is humans having all technology distributed. VR-paradise has the most advantages. This is due to slow resource exhaustionTo prevent heat-death, where all resources are exhausted, indifferent experience to the other options, and stability due to very low chances of status-quo upsetting. Trance-paradise is disliked due to many inflexible ideas disagreeing with it. Distribution of technology is disliked due to human corruptability combined with real power being problematic.

Liberalism: Human prioritization of individual freedom through democracy and capitalism. Is usually anti: racismDiscrimination based on race, sexismDiscrimination based on gender and sometimes sexuality, ableismDiscrimination based on non-skill abilities. Anti-ableism can be troubling due to benefits of dataflow, and ableism not being an arbitrary system. Dataflow is usually not gained through widespread disapproval in a democratic society.

Aligned capitalism: Currency-based system where currency is only giveable to those with aligned interest. Distinct from loyalist capitalism, where currency is distributed based on loyalty. Accomplished through indoctrination.

Singularity-building: Act of creating a techno-totalitarian entity to eventually reach singularity.

Power-gaining: Increasing imaginary power in a system. Gained through communicating while legitimacyWays of causing belief/trust-having to interestable entities..

Decadence: Policies/doctrines becoming bad over time. Results from: Loss of relevance: no longer addressing relevant issues. Bad practice: policies not practiced correctly, for example due to lowered priority. Loss of relevance is more common in situations with high amounts of change, like the current one. Bad practice is reduced with: traditionalism, inflexibility, personal responsibility. Loss of relevance is reduced with: flexibility, personal responsiblity, anti-traditionalism.

Free market: Exchange of resources based on interests of the self. Capitalism is an encouragement of free markets.

Pleasure-slavery: Cooperation through promise of pleasureAnything which feels good. Includes: Relief from anxiety, ability to act on anger, awe and pride from looking and making stories about shiny trinkets (stories of "ownership") to entities addictedUnceasing and important want for something to pleasure, thereby dependence. Imaginary entities are (usually) immune to pleasure and are not applicable. Could have been a way of qualifying, but

Resource: Something with value. Includes temporary things like action-doing by others, for example removing dust from an area, or not changing location for a duration.

Currency: Resource wanted due to expectation of others wanting it.

Usefulness: Ultimate progress created by a situation towards a goal.

Effectiveness: Compareable abilityDifference in ability to do something compared to other things to achieve a goal.

Productivity: Amount of thing(s) created.


Emotionalism: Giving emotions decision-making/imaginary power. Non-emotionalist humans are vegetables, due to nothing else resembling anything like emotions in the process of human decision-making. InterestsOpinions, goals are based on emotions. Emotions are created based on the input of feelings, for example vigilance when feeling injustice.

Consciousness: The ability to experience. Is used to represent reality in the human body. Done in humans with electrical signaling in nerve-tissue. Not much else is known regarding consciousness. All experiences are fabricated experiences, due to the consciousness only being able to experience representations of reality through electrical signals.

Pleasure: A desirable feeling. Experienced commonly during naturalRefers to those living in the natural environment activities, including moving, conversing, winning, eating. Prolonged exposure to repetitive stimuli commonly leads to desensitization. Pleasure-seeking can cause dissatisfaction upon dissappointmentAnother word for dissatsifaction with reality when not able to achieve wanted pleasure. Pleasure-seeking's tendency to cause dissatisfaction and desensitization has made it an unpopular pursuit for increasing happiness among people aware of it.

Infant-emotionalism: Human tendency to be emotionalistPursuit of emotional goods and bads after birth. All interestsOpinions, goals are created through infant emotionalism.

Dissatisfaction: Displeasure with an experience (anticipations also count). Examples include sadness and anger due to an event. Creates a goal where change is pursued. Technological development is blamed on dissatisfaction. Dissatisfaction regarding dissatisfaction causes more dissatisfaction.

Contrast: Differences between helpfulness can be detected and acted upon by humans.

Vegetativeness: A state of aliveness completely devoid of emotional interestMotivation to move, speak, interact. Distinct from only reduced interest.

Feelings: Sensory input processed into experiences by the brain. Examples include: Sight, touch, sound, time, heat, pleasure, pain, smell. Emotions are a feeling caused by feelings.

Emotions: Determiner of good and bad regarding feelings. Causes many bodily processesMovements, further emotions, recalling and instinctWidespread natural skills. Not every human process is completely based on emotions, including the immune-system, heart-beats, and nerve-signaling.


The observable universe: An objective reality with consistent functions/laws. Experienced as real through nerve-input and brain-processing. Some laws are: Space and time continuation, difference between nothing and something (matter), thing-to-thing-attraction (gravity), things having energy (heat). There is notably no law of good and bad, only possible and impossible. Concentration of energy and possibly origins of the universe is theorized to have been caused by a big bang.

Big bang: Theory for the origin of concentrated heatHeat (energy) not being distributed equally throughout the universe, as entropy eventually would make it, and possibly the universe. An estimated very long time ago, a large amount of energy was made compact, exploding to form clusters of energetic matter, which through gravity would come together to form stars. Less energetic matter would form planets.

Logic and rationality: Objective view of reality. Difficult for humans to use due to bad truths. Logic and rationality as a moral value/interest is always secondary to emotionalism and sometimes ultimate goalsA pursuit of highest interest. Logic and rationality is attained when reality is discussed with only its contents (no good and bad).

Estimating: Act of reality-finding with patterns.

Biological-synthetic similarity: Biological (carbon-based) and non-biological processes being able to accomplish the same. Carbon-based processes versus noncarbon-based ones are the same protons and electronsVery small things material objects consist of, but arranged in a different manner. This can result in different properties, but the properties used in humans can be replicated by both, being the functions surrounding DNA in cellsA large amount of them arranged in the correct manner creates a human; Reading, writing, and acting on codeDNA. Machines are known to already have this ability.

The unobservable universe: A possible reality outside of the observable universe. Could have other observable universes (many world theory). Could be inside another universe (simulation theory). Could not exist. No direct information exists regarding it.

Space-time: Our plane of existence. Being at a certain time is called being in a time or period. Being at a certain space is called being in a location. Being in both time and location is being in a situation or point.

Good versus bad: "Good" describes helpfulness for achieving a goal. "Bad" describes unhelpfulness for achieving a goal. A word describing something with either goodness, badness, or both, is "loaded".

Patterns: Aspects in reality which repeat. Likeliness is the estimated chance for a repetition. Strength of pattern is measured by instances and relation with other patterns and observations.

Exponentiality: Description of a function which doubles with every change.

Fictions: Imagined things. Anything not real. A prominent fiction is humans.

Value: Something with fictional worth, or being good or bad in situations. This is due to the universe having no sense of good and bad. Another word for interest.

Naturalness: Description of whether something is within the laws of the universe or not. Distinct from traditionality, which is whether something has been practiced or not.

Thing: Something which does not necessarily: exist, have comprihensability, and follow the laws of the universe. Used to describe fictions, non-fictions, and non-existenceSomething not in our universe. Describing what existence is to someone who does not experience it, is like describing color to a blind person, hence the odd explanation.

Moral good: Imaginary good. Whether something is allowed by imaginary laws. Distinct from possibility.

Possibility: Whether something is allowed by the laws of the universe.

Matter: Distinct from nothing. Exists in space-time.

Function: A pattern where a change in one area creates a predictable change in another.


Nuclear apocalypse: Scenario of high human death and suffering involving nuclear weapons. Possible due to high destruction ability of nuclear weapons including: Invisible submarine attack, dangerous dust (fallout), massive explosions, large oceans usable as flooding devices.

Implications of dataflow: Discussion regarding the effects of dataflow. Dataflow results in: Reality simulation: The infomation collected can be used to simulate reality and find inconsistencies like faked or missing information. No corruption or other crime can happen. Perfect intelligent qualifying due to perfect knowledge regarding reality (near perfect). Easily becomes a technological dictatorship, due to that being best for dataflow. Culture-change: Cultural discrimination like place of birth and mental conditions could be more severe due to the access of information. Using the dataflow to determine a solution is easily done. Cultural adaption will also happen, leading to more tolerance, much including the general equal exposure of everyone. Anti-copyright: No copyright reduces restrictions for usage. Makes more information available. No ownership reduces capitalist interest. Dataflow can hack people into working regardless of interest.

Genetic engineering: Act of changing the genome. 10 000 old practice through domestication. Modern methods involve adding new lines of code to embryos directly instead of culling the weak.

Nanites: Nanoscopic entities. Can be used for disease-fighting in almost endless different variations, unlike anti-microbial substances.

Techno-totalitarian inevitability: Possibility of techno-totalitarian regimes being the ultimate result of human evolution. Techno-totalitarianism allows for techno-utopianism, which is the highest amount of emotional pleasingDistinct from pleasure possible. Humans are emotionalist, seeking emotional pleasing. Techno-totalitarian dataflow also allows winning all competitions.

Technology: Tools. Tends to increase effectiveness of certain actions. Can enable certain ideas while disabling others, due to competition.

Distance of the future: Duration until the creation of certain technologies. Human obsoleteness is done by understanding how arrangements of matter interactFor example how to brain works, or how robots can move. The effect of dataflow can depend on processors. Processors are expected by some to become 100 million times faster after the creation of quantum computersVery advanced computers. GooglePowerful dataistic entity is in the process of creating it. Can be expected to accelerate developments.

Technological acceleration: The tendency of passing time to exponentially increase technological developments. Makes estimates over 200 years long for the distance of the problems extremely unlikely.

Static techno-utopia: A no-opportunityNothing can accumulate imaginary power technological dictatorshipA techno-totalitarian society. Is possible after technological singularityThe end of an exponential technology-development process. Can have technological paradise. A superintelligenceA very smart entity would calculate all chances of destruction and acts of prevention, making general chance for destruction lowest.

New-age arsenal: New methods of warfare. Modern-age arsenal includes nuclear weapons. Digital-age arsenal includes electronics-hacking and information-imagery to allow sniping nuclear weapons. New-age arsenal includes: Nanites: Nanoscopic entities with a goal, for example to multiply and form advanced structuresHumans and flesh-eating bacteria are primitive versions of this.. Can turn the earth into Homer Simpson in a short duration if controlled by a superintelligenceA very smart entity. Superintelligence: Used to make the most effective decision-making. Human hacking: Used to control people.

Superintelligence: Extremely powerful processor with ability to compare information and distinguish good from bad.

Biological intelligence: OrganicCarbon-based processor with ability to compare information and distinguish good from bad.

Artificial intelligence: Non-organicNot carbon-based processor with ability to compare information and distinguish good from bad. Is speculated to have ability to go hostile on humanity.

Hostile AI: An artificial intelligence having human-killing as a (secondary or primary) goal. Likely to succeed in eliminating humanity if a superintelligence. Would require time to test for hostility. Is a possible disasterous accident.

Deepfakes: Technology used to create false information, deepfakes creating realistic facial simulations. Information-cluttering preventable with enough uncluttered dataflow to estimate possibilities.


Suggested methodology:‎ Due to the problems posing a threat to human interests, humanists might make a plan.

Graphical detailing: Can be found with this link.