
This details problem-solution on a societal scale

How all will choose to solve the problems, whether they admit to or not

To survive as individuals, families, or groups, radical global change is a must






















HowIdeas on how something is achieved. IsAlternative names and categorization. Influences Goal Decides DifferentBut not exclusive. ExampleIdeas on how something is achieved, but with more emphasis on it being flexible. HumanismThe common goal of mankind. Happiness and Survival pursuitThe usual method for rewarding human worth. EffectivenessPursuing goals effectively is useful for accomplishing them. Skepsis of praxisKeep what is useful. Cease what is not. Relevance is key. DataismHarnessing the power of the truth (information). Dataism allows for example the scientific process to be accelerated, since you both have the information and the processing-power for it. Ends justify the meansDire situations call for dire measures. Apply sufficient force to solve a problem. Directed emotionalismHave your emotions reflect your values, since you cannot remove them. ConsequentialismUltimate results determine whether something is worthwhile doing. Determining DesperationWhether the situation is dire or not. Reality-changingChanging reality to fit the ideal. BothBoth stages of the transitionary phase. EarlierEarlier stage of the transitionary phase. LaterLater stage of the transitionary phase. Reality-findingHow reality reality is determined. Ecological collapseDestruction of the human habitat. Human obsoletenessHow useful the human is to power-holders. Skepsis without exceptionBetter known as science. Return of conflictBreakdown of trust and cooperation. Workplace obsoletenessBeggars cannot go on strike. Seize the means of production while you still can. Unattached thinkingTo process information without influence of pre-concieved notions (bias). Natural threatsIf say, an asteroid-strike is imminent. Decision-making obsoletenessThe degree humans are being hacked. A stable state cannot break from within. DiscussionDiscussion to reality-find, rather than preemptive strikes and fracturing. To ensure unity, to ensure strength. Strength of centralizationTechno-totalitarian states can both not be broken from without and within. They represent a danger. General sufferingIf the goal is to reduce human suffering, then this should also count. 1. TransitioningMethod for achieving the good status-quo. DissatisfactionA want for change. 2. Good status-quoIdeal world status to aspire for. Human relevancyCreating a traditional good status-quo. Techno-utopianismCreating a technological good status-quo. InflexibilityTo what extent? Techno-totalitarianismTechnological dictatorship. Second to none in stability and efficiency. A necessity when freedom is obsolete. Paradise?VR-paradise seems the most satisfactory out of all technological utopia. Due to the others being problematic. 1. Group-formingDefining the thought. 2. Power-gainingYou cannot change reality unless you have influence over it. Begins when group-doctrine is defined. 3. TechnologizingAct of making and using tools. Begins when power-levels are (relatively) sufficient. Make use of tools, as they are not innately evil. Make use of tools, our enemies will. Singularity-buildingIs delayed until now due to sufficient influence being required for meaningful change due to exponentiality. A successful technological singularity will give the tools for creation of whatever world humantiy wants. Control of the local groupNo threats can arise from within once we control it. No threats can come from without since nothing can escape or enter the local group. PromisingGiving the promise of threats, solutions, and better status-quos. UnityCooperation is unity. Unity is strength. GlobalismThe problems cannot be solved without unity, whether it is the destruction of all enemies or turning them into friends. Problem-solutionSolving the problems. The original threat to human interests. Cannot be solved without sufficient means (technological singularity). Desperation ->Dire situations call for dire measures. People will not support an extreme solution unless the situation calls for it. Desperation ->Dire situations call for dire measures. People will not support an extreme solution unless the situation calls for it. Conventional measuresTo do a low-risk 'good-record'-having method. Desperate meansGood does not prevail because it's good, but because it is stronger than evil. SafetyA focus on stability. Important since accidents can mean the end, and people prefer stability. AccelerationIf the world around us moves fast, we must be faster. Popularity-focusA good image is of high priority. People will not help a bad cause when nonpractice does not hurt them. RuthlessnessPractice not what hinders you. Be more approving of discontinuing unhelpful practices. Ecological mendingRestoring the environment to ensure a stable transition. Techno-accelerationTechnology gives the power to bend reality. Relevant loyalismThe highest power-holders are qualified by alignment, to allow achieving of the goal, while lower power-holders can be indirect practitioners. Good imageThough the devil is beautiful, few are sufficiently patient to hear the full story. Accidents-preventionBetter safe than sorry, especially when an accident could be the end of mankind. Arms-raceStrike the enemy before they strike you. "Good" methodsPower-gaining methods making use of honesty and good reputation. "Bad" methodsPower-gaining methods heavily making use of disliked actions. WelfareA world suffering in our hands delegitimizes us. ElectionsUsing conventional democratic systems. ActivismUsing resources of the people. CapitalistGain influence in the resource-delegation system. Power over resources allow creation of tools. Can be achieved through disliked actions (crime, both legal and illegal). CoupGain the means to take over government(s). Practice this in unpopular governments, like North-Korea. Nanite-strikeUse of nanites and other technologies to accomplish a large task, the technology used giving extreme effectiveness. SituationalismSolutions depend on situation. Good behavior encouragementFree currency-based power-delegation with an artificial culture as agenda ensured through alignment qualifications. (has uncertainty) High loyal dataflowLoyalty without power is useless. Power without loyalty is dangerous. SuperintelligenceUltimate culmination of power, potentially loyalty too. ## Good cultureCulture is difficult to control, but holds massive inlfuence. CoherenceCommunication without error. UtilizationReality as a tool, not a source of meaning. PressureEncourage each other for the good of the collective. RelevanceYou either bend to reality or break. Adapting to the environment is how one survives it. ResponsibilityAn irresponsible society gets nowhere. Power-gaining guideHow one gains the trust of processes (people) in a system. Societal opportunitiesQualify within systems to be delegated power within them. PropagationTransmit information with the intent of gaining trust (and willingness to cooperate). RespectRespect is the first step of trust. Interest alignmentPeople acquire only means to their ends. Nothing more, nothing less. Interest alignmentPeople change one part of themselves to suit the rest. People Interest alignmentWhen people sympathize, they trust. Interest alignmentTrust is the goal. Once they trust you, they will work with you. make sure people attracted by sympathy, not by you seeming crazy or whatever