Dictionary page 2

Features odd language and possibly outdated content


Ecological collapse: A number of semi-related events estimated to eventually collapse the earth's ecosystem. The human habitatConditions creating a suitable location for survival and happiness will not survive the collapse, due to the slim situation in space-time it is base on. Ecosystems are easily disturbed and cause further changes in the environment when disrupted. Ecological disruptions are: Dangerous waste, Natural selection encouragement.

Ecological neglect: Neglect of the ecological collapse. Is justified by climate-denialism, "Will die before it kills me", other pursuits being more important.

Dangerous waste: Unwanted products capable of harming the global ecosystem. Includes: Space-junk, Acidic materials, Plastics, Organic materials, Other junk, Gases.

Natural selection encouragement: Actions capable of influencing the process of natural selection. Includes: Pesticides, Animal-killing, medicine, Genetic engineering,

Plastics: Material notable for its resilient nature. Its resilience is based on it not being part of the global ecosystemMeaning nature has not developed methods for breaking it, while also being resistant to conventional methods of destructionFor example bacteria or insects. Harm is usually done to ecosystems when introduced in large quantities. Lower quantities called micro-plastics have been theorized to also have adverse effects. Much plastics are in harmful locations for the ecosystem. Plastics are commonly produced and disposed off by humans. For scale and severity, consult other sources.

Acidic materials: Acidic waste is known to have many adverse effects on the ecosystem. Acid in water can become acidic rain and water-bodies, becoming harmful for life, killing both plants and animals at large doses. Consult other sources for severity.

Space-junk: Bad objects left by humans stuck in the atmosphere. Usually in the form of metals degraded into smaller objects. Objects orbit the earth at rapid enough pace to destroy other objects like satellites. Destruction of objects creates more space-junk. Space-junk eventually falls down from orbit. Has the potential to cause Kessler syndrome, the inability leave or enter the earth. Is removable due to being a material-process. Consult other sources for information regarding severity and solutions.

Organic materials: Edibles left by humans. Eaten usually by rats and bugs. Has created animals specialized for living in human environments. Helps spread of disease, like in the black death. Not very problematic, due to modern technology.

General waste: Placing waste in space rather than recycling or destroying it is usually done. This is due to lower price. Not very problematic.

Gases: Gases being improperly disposed off, usually into the atmosphere. Lingers in the atmosphere due to the earth's gravitational pull. Consists of materials similar to smoke, causing damage to airways, and thereby general function through extended interaction. Blamed for changes in general temprature on the earth, due to ability to reflect heat, preventing escape from the earth (is like thick clothing). Estimations vary on how much gas is being dumped into the atmosphere by humans versus nature, and how much is needed for warming. Common consensus among qualified scientists is of humans upsetting a natural balance, causing rapid warming.

Pesiticides: Poisons used to kill annoying species. Evidence exists to link this to death of bees.

Animal-killing: Death of multiple species is death of ecosystem parts. Caused by abnormalities in the ecosystem like pesticides. Would have an effect as with 'death of wolves'-fable.

Medicine: The use of medicine to fight germs has culled the weak and left the resistant. Applies most notably to bacteria, due to ability to transfer immunity and reliance on medicine to fight them. The use of anti-bacterial medicine has created bacteria with immunity to multiple medicines, known as superbugs. Resistance to medicine will be a non-problem with disease-hunting nanites. Consult other sources for the extent of superbugs today and estimates for superbugs tomorrow.

Death of bees: Bees dying more than usual, on the path to extinction. Many plants require bee-pollination to survive. Some estimations say 70% of food will be lost from death of bees. Can be stopped by engineering better bees, stopping the reasons for death, and engineering better plants. Will be expensive. Consult other sources for severity.



Rise of nationalism: A series of societal symptoms in many areas, usually being increased general returnism and isolationism.



Populism: Valuing what "the people" want.

Communism: (revolutionary)

Socialism: (gradual)

Fascism: Valuing people not part of "the nation" negatively. Can have other definitions.

Patriotism: Valuing people part of "the nation".

Capitalism: Encouragement of free-market.

USA: Powerful entity.

China: Powerful entity.

Russia: Powerful entity.

Tech-giants: Most productiveCreates most products organizations creating information-technology. Includes: Apple, Microsoft, Alphabet, Facebook, Amazon, Alibaba, Tencent. For more information, consult other sources.

Globalization and intervention: (describe dependencies)

Quantum computers: If they truly are 100 million times more powerful than normal computers, then the first to sufficiently develop them are likely to conquer the world.

Competitive society: Having too low real power results in elimination. This encourages constant and ruthless power-gaining

Exascale computer: Powerful processing-machine. Information found at: https://www.anl.gov/exascale



Supression of emotions: Dharmics suppress anger. Medieval Christians suppress homosexuality.

Peer pressure: People in a group exerting influence from numerical superiority. Heeded to due to the common human interest of acceptance in groups.

Authoritarian pressure: People with imaginary power exerting influence through the imaginary power in areas the imaginary power is not supposed to influence.

Friend-making: Act of making another person trust you due to extensive information about you. Distinct from culture-showing, which requires less information.

Culture-showing: Act of cultural display, usually done to create trust. Cultural displays are usually difficult and arbitrary, likely as a result of natural selectionHealthier mates and workers. Exclusion of strangers to ensure cultural distinction. Modern examples include: conversation-holding, greeting, cultural clothing, non-ugliness. Very common in human societies.

Unquestionable authority/power: Exerting influence without (formal) need to explain why. Used when communication abilities are too low to explain, and when a culture values unquestionable authority, for example if the communicator is believed to know best.

Cultural interpretations: Using a standardized cultural guessing doctrine to finish incomplete information. Is a sort of unquestionable authroity.

Organic culture: Culture adopted due to survival of the fittestMost suitable for an environment.

Artificial culture: Culture adopted due to trust. Requires the cultural practices to be adoptable, and sufficient legitimacy/trust regarding the practices.

Cultural self-blackmailing: Self-reinforcing practice within a culture through distrust. Created when nonpractice culturally indicates untrustworthiness, thereby compromising the (positive) influence of nonpractitioners.



Alignment qualification:

Cultural capitalism: Free-market where individual interests are influenced by culture.

Founder guidance:

Currency-distribution: Distributed to those aligned, or elsewhere if found useful.

Cultural guidance (cultural check): No laws aside from the cultural guidances and the founders owning the means of currency-distribution. Discouraging misuse is the responsibility of currency-owners (who are supposed to be good). Supposed to take over once there is too much information for the founders.

Inflation: Inflate currency to discourage currency-hoarding.

Human power tendencies:

Average human mindset guidance:

Convenience-based independence: If it's more convenient for something to be independent, then make it that way.

Freedom of information: Information having the right to be known by everything (and everyone). Decreases anonimity, thereby increasing effectiveness of law-enforcement, notably including justice-enforcementPunishing morally bad behavior and rewarding morally good behavior.

'Free information' culture: Cultural evolution during abundance of true information regarding local individuals. Due to higher effectivness of law-enforcement, specific behaviors can be encouraged (and discouraged), notably justice-enforcement which results in behaving morally good becoming the best strategy for currently commonly pursued goals (where behaving morally neutral is more effective currently).

'Free-market'-addiction cooperation: Ensured cooperation through promise of (subjectively) valuable thingsUsually emotionally pleasing items from the free-market. Commonly observed method of ensuring interest. A form of pleasure-slavery.

Drug-addiction cooperation: Ensured cooperation through promise of (the) addictive substance to addicted people. A form of pleasure-slavery.




Suggested culture

A culture designed for use with capitalism. Not suggested for all situations.

Coherence over beauty

The truth was never made to be accepted. Emphasis on beauty over coherence can lead to communication errorsMisunderstandings, premature ends of conversation, amplified when people are unskilled. Also leads to communication for the the sole purpose of beauty, not necessarily beneficial for the primary goal.

Unabstract talking: Unless it's to dazzle the uninitiated.

Arguing as a responsibility rather than calamity:

Reality as utility

Rather than meaning. Efficiency is for the greater good, be responsible with your body.

Pleasure as an occurance: Due to the amount of pleasurable activites in the modern world, addiction to useless activities is easy. Shunning.

Useless emotions as weakness: General lack of self-control can be disruptive. Shunning.

Emotions as tools: Use them to accomplish tasks. Though, emotions do not always reflect interests/values. Training/acclimation can reduce disparity. Important due to emotionalism.

Lives as utility: If you're old and useless, or plan on having children, think if this truly will be useful.

Experiences as perspectives: What you experience is not what is real, but only what you experience.

Pressure to excel

There is no organization without motivation.

Shunning of time-wasting: Peer pressurePressure by your peers easily influences decision-making. This allows a culture of productivity to create better workers. stress.

Freedom of information: An environment without context is not to be responded well to..

Vigilance to maintain guidelines: Reward good actions, punish bad actions. Preferably without hampering the cause. Encourage those who contribute without recieving anything but the wellbeing of mankind in return, while encouraging those who do not to do so. Notably means creativity will not go unrewarded, despite ideas not being ownable.


Imagination bends to reality, reality does not bend to imagination.

Tolerance first: Belief-changing over reality-changing.

Solution based on situation: Different situations require different solutions.

Truth only second to human value: Stumbling around blind isn't useful when seeking order.

Skepsis of praxis: Keep what is useful, cease what is not. Even if you made it, or other practice it, does not matter.

True responsibility

The future of humanity rests on our shoulders.

Action over declaration: Change is done with action. Words only inspire change. Instead of only agreeing on good and bad, it should be implemented.

Power is responsibility: Your voice is a power. Being silent is not being neutral, but irresponsible.

Responsibility as pursuit: Actively spend time finding the most responsible decisions to make.

Exploration as response to unknowingness: Discover reality if you do not know it.

Concede to the more likely: If unable to find the truth, concede to the more likely for convenience.

Static techno-totalitaria:

Static techno-totalitaria: An example of a techno-totalitarian utopia.

Megaintelligence: Consists of superintelligences

Internet of everything: Web used to store and retrieve information (communicate) in a megaintelligence

Megaintelligent home: An area containing humans having a megaintelligence have all imaginary power.

External threats: A megaintelligence capable of simulating reality (with enough dataflow) can predict all possible outside threats. Including: asteroids, life, black holes, gamma-rays.

Cancer: Threats from within the megaintelligence could be found and neutralized through simulating reality (with enough dataflow).

Energy-source: Stars and black holes contain large amounts of energy which can be harvested.




Sentientism: Belief all sentient beings have value and should be helped on that basis. "Sentient" means: with consciousness or ability to suffer. Among entities commonly considered to have consiousness are: animals, humans, bugs. An Inflexible idea could say one should not gain at the expense of other's suffering. Consequentialists say suffering is worth if it results in higher ultimate good. Commonly disputed consciousness are: fetuses, fertilized egg-cells, artificial intelligence. An inflexible idea could say fetuses should be considered conscious, but fertilized egg-cells and artificial intelligence sometimes not, usually due to lacking resemblance. Consequentialists say it depends on the expectations for ultimate good.

Ultimate good: Expected end result after usually a long passing of time regarding happiness and survival.

Trolley-problem: Let a speeding train kill five, or take action to have the train kill one. Taking action to have one die is usually consequentialists since the death of few is usually better than many. Not taking action and letting five die is usually due to an inflexible idea, since there would be guilt by taking action.

Inaction: Whether or not action is taken by the individual, on a global scale, this will be the general method for humanists.

Odd definitions: Definitions and words used here are not necessarily widely accepted or common. This is usually due to a lack of common words in the English language to describe certain ideas. Primary reason for the weird way this text is written, is to make it difficult to misunderstand and concise.

Incomplete arguments: Mostly only the important arguments are included in this text. This is due to the less important ones not being worth the time.

Unattached thinking: Method of reality-finding. Is accomplished by not using pre-existing fictions like good and bad aside from likelinessChance for sameness and laws of the universe while thinking.

Note: If good replacement names for the concepts mentioned here are found, contact to tell them. Contact is not exclusive to any situation though.

Notice: Words used on this website are not always common definitions. This is due to the lack of words for description in the English language, along with some definitions seeming more suitable for words. Extreme deviations from the norm are communicated. This is a norm in the English language, where words commonly are given new definitions when the old definitions no longer are useful.

Transhumanism: An endorsement of extensive technological use. Focused primarily on human augmentation via technology. Reckless implementation can accelerate the problems.

De facto and de jure: De facto: Actual events / matter of fact. De jure: The story told. Also known as formality.

Death of wolves: Story about a hypothetical scenario of a local wolf population becoming extinct. The local humans of a village were annoyed by the wolves of the forest killing their sheep. The humans took up arms and killed all the wolves. The herbivores of the forest had no predators and came to overpopulate the forest. After eating all the food in the forest, the herbivores went out and ate the grass around the village. The sheep of the village had no food and starved to death. That is how the humans learnt not meddle with forces they did not understand.

Reality-simulator: A system capable of simulating reality to full relevant-for-'human-use' extent.


Stress: Feeling usually felt during anticipation. Usually refers to anticipation of bad, and excitement usually refering to anticipation of good.

Xenophobia: Fear of strange/new things. Xenophobics dislike new changeChange not percieved to be part of a repeating pattern experienced in the past, but no longer feel xenophobic regarding the new change after acclimationIt no longer being strange. Distinct from possible results of xenophobia, including: general intolerance, racismBelief in racial differences being pronounced enough for high levels of discrimination/distinguishment, LGBTQ-disrespectingDisrespect of situations (activities, people) deemed: lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, isolationismPursuit of isolating internal events from external.

Bad truth: If a fact is believed to be bad, it is a bad truth. Sometimes ignored with belief-changing if not solvable with reality-changing.

Loaded words: People imagining words have the tendency to assign words properties of good and bad. When words with the properties of imagined good and bad are interpreted, interpretations may be influenced.

The dead: The dead cannot be helped, due to a lack of consciousness, thereby a lack of want. Helping the dead is pointless. Exception occurs when it serves other purposes, like cultural acceptance.

Killing animals: Some animals are killed to create luxuryUnnecessary, but comforting clothes and food. Is not bad unless animals have value.

Age-immunity: "Inability to die of age, not inability to die. One must still work to survive. The environment (society) is also not guaranteed to be stable. Inability to die of age is also not permanent happiness. One must still work to be happy. Inability to die of age is only removing an arbitrary limit to consciousness." - Anti-aging people. Death from age is sometimes adopted as an inflexible idea (to grant meaning).

Euthanasia: Eu -> good, thanatos -> death. Literally: Good death. Reasons for practice include: Reduction of suffering, unhelpful existenceNot helpful in achieving a goal, and hopelessnessIn a bad circumstance where good change is unlikely. Main controversy with good dying is the inability to know everything, thereby making acts of euthanasia reliant on estimations, allowing some estimated good deaths to turn out bad.

Mirror-strategy: Replicating the behavior of (other) entities for goal-achieving. Usually practiced during human interaction, due to human tendency in liking the self and having bias towards what is liked.

'Why -> what -> how' method: Action-inspiration method used on humans. Accomplished through trust and interest-gaining before explanation of methodology. 1. Explain why action is importantTo interest the humans. Uninterested humans do not participate (for example caring about the message). Also increases trust if message is agreed with. 2. Explain what to achieveThe goal. Increases trust if goal is agreed with. 3. Explain the procedure for the goal-achievingMethodology is known to create most disagreement and misunderstanding. Trust is known to increase agreeableness.

Space-exploration: Act of exploring the universe beyond the earth. If the goal is to achieve dataflow, investments in processing-power would be better.

Trust-gaining methods: Methods of gaining trustBelief (potential) cooperation will have good results (regarding others). Power-holding: Influence over decision-making. Effective when believing the self makes good decisions. Culture-showing: Showing cultural practices, indicating similar interests, usually creating trust.

Healthspan and lifespan: Lifespan: Duration of life. Healthspan: Duration of good functioning.

Overpopulation: Population being greater than resources (used to attain a desired resource-distribution). Is a result of increasing population. Can be prevented by not increasing population.

Vigilant scenario: An injustice is happening in front of someone who can stop it. Stopping the injustice though, serves only as unnoticable example-setting, and has no other means of preventing the injustice from recurring. Stopping injustices often is not to prevent them, but to legitimize character.

Vengance: Act motivated by anger. Entities unable to feel anger cannot do a vengeful act. Distinct from vengeful/vigilant doctrine.

Vigilant doctrine: Policy of always retaliating when hindered during goal-achieving. Creates example-setting, discouraging hinderance.

Entropy: Tendency of matter in the universe to become less excited. Likely is a result of the energy from the big bangTheory of how the universe was imbued with energy, and sometimes how it was created being lost. Will eventually result in heat-death, a situation where the universe has no energy, resembling the situation before the big bang. During heat-death, humans have no energy for survival. There is no known way of prevention.

Big rip: Scenario where the expansion of the universe becomes faster than gravity and stronger than bonds. Predicted due to the expansion of the universe accelerating. Will make life impossible, due to living things consisting of bonds. Is predicted to happen before heat death.

Patience: Reduced by any emotional arousal, notably suffering.

Cosmisists and terrans: Former encourage ASI (artificial superintelligence). Latter discourage ASI.



Note: These sentences are made vague and conventional on purpose. Difficult to find meaning of without further explanation.

Societal process: It's the job of scientists to discover the truth, artistsManipulators of emotion to tell it, and leadersThose with power to use it.

Economics: Economics is the management of resources, the system deciding who gets what.

Surveilling: If the watchmen watch over the people, who watch over the watchmen?

Truth: Finding the truth is a question of intelligence. Accepting it is a question of emotions. The truth was never made to be accepted.

Taste: People taste the world differently, just like they see, hear, and imagine.

Perception: You can never truly see something, sight is only an image constructed by the brain. Perception is estimation.

Meaning and life: Build your life around what is right, not what is right around your life.

Flexibility and weakness: That which bends is flexible. That which snaps is weak. When reality pushes you, you must either bend or break.

Inaction: Inaction and action are both actions. Do not be fooled by the seeming safety of the former.

Dissatisfaction: The easiest cure to dissatisfaction is changing reality. The most effective cure to dissatisfaction is changing yourself.

Trickery: The way you least expect to be tricked is how people trick you.

Skepsis: Skepsis without exception is how you find the truth.

Evil: Even villains and psychopaths believe they are good. The human self only does greater good, evil is reserved for others.
